Our Team

Board of Directors

LFUSCL’s business is conducted by its employees and management, with oversight from an elected Board of Directors.

Company board and management recognizes the long-term interests of the company are advanced through proactive planning and responding to needs of communities, employees, and the marketplace.

The LFUSCL Board consists of eight members that are elected biennially. These directors are local fishers that are elected by the shareholders during the convention. Board members represent the Southern Labrador region, with 4 members from the Labrador Straits (L’Anse au Clair – Red Bay) and 4 from the Southeastern Labrador region (Lodge Bay – Cartwright).

Board Members:

Dwight Russell, Mary’s Harbour

Vice President:
Morley Normore, L’Anse au Loup

Harrison Campbell, Pinsent’s Arm

Lester Letto, L’Anse au Clair

Shawn Normore, L’Anse au Loup

Wade Dyson, Cartwright

Donald Kippenhuck, Charlottetown

Russell Layden, Forteau


Chief Executive Officer (CEO):
Gilbert Linstead


Chief Operating Officer (COO): Ken Fowler

Head Office:

Office Manager & Comptroller:
Trina Belben

Shipper/Accounts payable:
Jackie O’Brien

Executive Assistant:
Norma Flynn

OHS & Quality Control:
Lorraine Edmonds

Accounting Clerk:
Dana Belben

Payroll Clerk:
Dawn Taylor

Hannah O’Dell
Stephanie Butt


Managing Director, Sales and Marketing:
Marius Linstead


Director, Business Development:
Marc Bishop

Sales and Marketing Office:

Office Administrato & Logistics Co-ordinator:

Bonita Letemplier

LFUSCL employs 500 people across our five processing facilities and head office. 

As one of the key employers of the Southern Labrador region, we strive to create and maintain a sound, safe, and productive work environment — we consider our employees our most important resources.

LFUSCL operates successfully through teamwork and we continue to work towards the creation of a climate of cooperation, so that employees and the company can realize their full potential.